
Agricultural Land Classification

This survey looks at the quality/grade of the agricultural land of a site. Agricultural land is classified into five grades. Grade 1 is best quality and Grade 5 is poorest quality. Grades 1 to 3a are classified as the Best and Most Versatile (BMV) land. Following ALC surveys, the majority of the site is concluded as Grade 3b and therefore not BMV agricultural land.



A landscape visual assessment (LVA) is being undertaken for the site. This will assess a range of views, where the proposed development can be seen from and the LVA will consider the potential effects for this development on the surrounding landscape and visual receptors. Three key viewpoints have been agreed with the Local Planning Authority. The LVA will include a landscape mitigation plan and photomontages, with and without mitigation.



A number of ecological surveys have been undertaken to assess the ecological potential of the site and any protected species, this establishes the baseline for the site and identifies any required mitigation. A Biodiversity Impact Assessment is undertaken to achieve a biodiversity net gain plan for the site.



Noise monitoring has been undertaken to determine the potential impact of the proposed development upon the existing noise environment and any sensitive receptors. Where required, mitigation will consist of a bund for noise and visual screening, plus acoustic fencing at equipment locations within the site.


Flood Risk and Drainage

A flood risk assessment and drainage strategy are being developed for the site. The site is within Flood Zone 1 which is the lowest flood risk area. The development will not increase the risk of flooding on site or elsewhere. The drainage strategy will address water attenuation at site.


Heritage and Archaeology

An analysis of the impact upon heritage and archaeological assets is taking place. There are no recorded designated or non-designated heritage assets within the site, within a 1km radius there is one grade II listed building; (LB1) Firbank, a listed farmhouse. There are 11 non-designated heritage assets within the 1km area of search. The site has a low potential for the survival of any as yet unknown heritage assets with archaeological interest.



An assessment of the local road network and access requirements are considered. A Transport Statement will accompany the planning application.

Right Of Way@2x

Public Rights of Way (PRoW)

PRoW CU/137/008 runs west-east along the southern boundary of the site, it connects the local roads east and west of the site, from Hill Crest to Moor House Farm. The Landscape Visual Assessment considers any impacts on the PRoW.



A tree survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment has been undertaken and a Tree Survey and Retention Plan produced. All trees to be retained and new tree and hedgerow planting recommended. Tree protection measures have been identified. 

Ground Quality@2x

Ground Conditions

The sites’ ground conditions have been investigated. The site appears to have remained undeveloped since early map records and there aren’t any records of heavy industry or landfills within 250m, with the exception of a brick and tile works adjacent to the site in the 1850’s. It is unlikely that further investigations will be required.